Conservation Commission Minutes 12.14.2011

Campton Conservation Commission  Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2011; 7:00 pm

Members present: Jess Halm, Jane Kellogg, Jules Doner, Melissa Greenawalt-Yelle


1)      November minutes: Jess moved to approve the November minutes. Seconded by Melissa. 3 in favor, 1 abstention.

2)      BWNA/PCP land management update:

  1. BWNA: 11/19 Melissa and Ian Halm cut a poplar tree leaning over onto The Red Sleigh property. 2 residents came over and expressed interest in helping to maintain BWNA trails. There was discussion about notifying the association through their new president, Loretta Muzzey, when we schedule trail maintenance days. Melissa will get together soon with another CC member to put up the winter parking lot cables and signs.
  2. PCP: On the parking area fence, Eric Wooster had previously mounted the property rules sign Melissa had made. On  11/19 Jess and Tammy did some trail cleaning-up and blaze marking. Some flagging was planned along the property boundary with the Kidney family, but none was done that day. Jules said he would go and place a few flags near a stone which marks the corner with the Kidney home for sale. Jess remarked on the wonderful aspects of the forested trails, and the potential for future student activities scheduled there.

3)      Power Point review

  1. Jess reviewed that at a Nov 30 work session held at the town office, there had been work on beginning to rough-out a Power Point presentation for the public hearing about the warrant article to be presented at Town Meeting. Jules had not been at the work session, so each slide was reviewed, comments or potential changes noted.
  2. At the completion of this discussion, it was decided that since there were no visuals it might be better to simply use the slides as guide notes and present the information informally.
  3. Jess had received notice from Ann Marie, that the hearing will be on Jan 30 at a regular Select Board meeting. She will take care of contacting the Historical Society for a location and placing public notices.

4)      2012 budget

  1. At last month’s meeting, the proposed budget was determined, but notice had just been received from the NHACC, that the annual dues will go from $225 to $235. Various options were discussed. It was moved, seconded and voted to raise the proposed budget figure by $10 to accommodate the increase in dues from a total of $1,075 to $1,085.
  2. Funds still available in the 2011 budget were discussed and it was decided to order another printing of the groundwater brochures from the UPS store. Melissa will follow up on this and arrange for billing to go to Ann Marie for payment from the CC budget.
  3. Jess will talk to Ann Marie about bringing the proposed budget to the Select Board at their convenience.

5)      Month by month calendar planning

  1. Jess had brought a 2012 calendar and offered it as a place to note dates and events of importance to the CC. Various things were recorded for the first 5 months of the new year. Some of them were the annual report due in January, town meeting in March, land management annual meeting in April, trail maintenance and road clean-up in May.

6)      New member recruitment:

  1. Jess, Jane Melissa all reported of some people they have spoken to or know who may be interested in joining the commission. There was discussion to continue in this quest, as there may be some reasons why some present commissioners will need to step down in the near future.

7)      BWNA summer programming with Rey Center.

  1. This was presented at the previous CC meeting. Melissa will follow up and email the Rey Center noting our enthusiasm and encouragement. There was some discussion about the need to raise some money to allow the program to function. Some ideas were discussed.

8)      Review mail/FYI

  1. A mailing had been received from the NH Association of Natural Resource Scientists which included an application to become a member. The CC had already joined. Some dates of scheduled seminars and their Jan 28 annual meeting were discussed.
  2. Jane reported of recent news of the announcement that much of the Dixville Notch land around the Balsams Resort will be placed under a conservation easement held by the Forest Society.

Meeting adjourned 8:45pm

Next meeting 1/11/12   7pm



BOS Meeting Minutes 12.19.2011


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Sharon Davis, Charles Cheney, Craig Keeney and Marsh Morgan.  Selectman Charles Wheeler was not present because of a conflict in schedule. The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 3 Notices of Intent to Cut, and 6 Tax Abatements.

Members of the public who were present at the meeting, but not on the agenda were Heather McLean, Kelly Bolger and Cory Smith.

At 6:45 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order and called on George Wright regarding Northern Pass and a response from the Board of Selectmen pertaining to a previous request by George for the Town to adopt a Rights Based Ordinance.  Chair Davis explained to George Wright and Heather McLean (as was spelled out in a response letter addressed to Mr. Wright) that the Board had the Town’s attorney review and give a legal opinion regarding the ordinance in question.  Chair Davis further explained that Town Counsel has advised that the Town should absolutely not adopt such an ordinance, as it is illegal.  Chair Davis further explained that the Town has no ability to prohibit corporations from purchasing property, to deprive corporations of their constitutional rights, or to deprive corporations of their standing to challenge ordinances.  Moreover, to the extent any corporation has eminent domain powers, those powers are granted by the state, and the town has no ability to take them away.  Therefore, pursuant to legal advice, the Board cannot consider Mr. Wright’s request for the adoption of the Rights Based Ordinance.  Mr. Wright acknowledged the Board’s position; however encouraged the Board to contact their Senators to encourage them to pass House Bill 648 (which was previously discussed with the Board) pertaining to eminent domain issues.  Chair Davis thanked Mr. Wright and Heather for all they are doing and to keep up the “good work”.

Chair Davis then called for a Motion to approve the Minutes of the last meeting.  After one revision made, Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the revised Minutes.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Cheney and the revised Minutes were approved.

Chair Davis then acknowledged that Kelly Bolger, Fire Commissioner was present regarding the decision of the Board pertaining to the proposed Fire Station renovations.  Chair Davis explained that the Board received a favorable opinion pertaining to their question on “Fair Labor” and were now ready to move forward with approval of the proposed renovations.  Selectman Keeney did question if the sub station was reviewed for the possibility of it being used to achieve what the renovations to the Fire House would accomplish.  It was explained that the new renovations proposed for the Fire House would accomplish doubling storage space and additional heated storage space needed for equipment, securing the office area, and bunking facilities, accomplishing all, without expanding the footprint of the building. A Motion was then made by Chair Davis to approve the renovations to the Fire Station and approve the funds being disbursed from the George Durgin Trust to complete the renovation project.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye, and Selectman Keeney – aye, the renovations and funding source was approved.

Chair Davis indicated that a Petition has been presented to the Town to change the Waterville Estates Village District boundary lines.  Ann Marie and Cory Smith explained how this issue came about.  An owner of property in the Town of Thornton (in the Waterville Estates Village District) secured permission to build a driveway for the purpose of building a home within the District.  However, the owners decided, after clearing began, that they wanted to build their house on a merged lot which is not in the Waterville Estates Village District, but which lot was merged with the initial lot mentioned above.  Because Waterville Estates Village District is located in two towns, the towns have to act as a joint board for all select board purposes regarding the WEVD. The first step, therefore, is to have the Campton and Thornton Boards of Selectmen hold a public meeting.  Ann Marie will schedule the public meeting with the two Boards.  Corey Smith thanked the Board and explained that this was something the District had to do, and acknowledged the burden of time it was placing on the Board.

Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that the State of NH DOT sent an estimated notice of State Highway Block Grant Aid that may be available to Campton in the amount of $113,345.10.  Ann Marie expressed that last year’s estimate was $122,914.00.

A request for funding was received from HIV/HCV Resource Center and Ann Marie explained that this is a new request this year and she will respond to the organization indicating that the Board is not taking any new non-profit organization appropriation requests this year.

Ann Marie stated that a letter was received from the Campton Village Precinct regarding preparation for their 2012 Budget and disclosure of some issues to be presented to Precinct voters next year that are relevant to the Town of Campton.  Ann Marie read the letter to the Board which entailed increasing the fire hydrant rental fees, lighting paid for by the Precinct, which is not located in the Precinct, and issues of responsibility of street lighting.  Another issue pertained to Page Hill residents getting the benefit of fire protection at no charge even though they are no longer water customers.  It was agreed by the Board that they would need to meet with the Precinct regarding these issues at a future date.

At 7:10 p.m. Chair Davis acknowledged that their next appointment for the evening had arrived so she made a Motion to go into Non Public Session under RSA 91-A:3, II© regarding a tax matter.  The Motion was seconded by Selectman Morgan, and with a roll call vote:  Selectman Davis – aye, Selectman Morgan – aye, Selectman Cheney – aye and Selectman Keeney – aye, the Board went into Non Public Session.  At 7:26 p.m. the Board came out of Non Public Session.

Chair Davis then requested Ann Marie continue with correspondence review.  Ann Marie indicated that NH Local Government Center (LGC) sent their proposal for a Pay & Classification Study.  The cost of the study is based on the number of employees involved in the study (20) and the Town gets a 10% discount based on the number of lines of service the Town has through LGC so the actual cost will be $225.00 per job position (rather than $250.00 per position).  Ann Marie read the Proposal and explained the procedure followed by LGC for the study.  It was explained that LGC would meet with the Board of Selectmen first, then the employees and then proceed with Position Description Questionnaires completed by employees. LGC will conduct a pay survey, an analysis of pay data, prepare job descriptions, prepare a compensation plan, recommendations, benefits, report of findings and employee review.  LGC will also set a one-day maximum to hear appeals presented by employees.  After discussion by the Board, it was agreed that Ann Marie will inquire if LGC would reduce the fee per position if the compensation plan and benefits review were eliminated from the proposal price.

Ann Marie distributed to the Board an amendment to the Personnel Policy on Page 4 under “Work Schedule” which pertains to Performance Evaluations.  The Board unanimously approved the amendment to the Personnel Policy Manual, which will be distributed to all employees.

A letter was received from Flynn, Riedel & Young, Inc., Insurance Adjusters addressing approval of payment (by LGC) be made to Dubois & King, Inc. for the engineering fee in the amount of $4,210.47, plus a supplemental fee of $108.15 relating to the storm damage to the Blair Bridge.  Ann Marie indicated that the total cost for storm damage was $96,000 and the Town only had to contribute $1,000.00 to that cost.

A booklet was received from Rural Community Assistance Partnership (an equal opportunity provider and employer) regarding “The Basics of Financial Management for Small-community Utilities”.  Ann Marie explained that she had the opportunity to meet with Bob Morency, who visited the office recently and she discussed the issues concerning Beebe River Village District Precinct.  Mr. Morency explained that he was willing to continue helping the Beebe River District to get the 2012 budget done on time; however there is only one commissioner.  The concern of the Board was the possibility of delays in getting the tax rate set next year.  Selectman Cheney suggested a letter be drafted to all residents in Beebe River explaining the issues and consequences if the issues were not resolved.  It was agreed by the Board that Town Attorney, Laura Spector draft a letter in this regard to be mailed to all Beebe River District residents.

There being no further correspondence, Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie regarding Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Ann Marie stated that she met with the Library Trustees concerning their proposed budget.  It was explained that the Library’s proposed 2012 budget has increased from 2011.  The increase is a reflection of purchasing more books and more programs that involved children participation.  Ann Marie also informed the Board that the Trustees have prepared a Handbook regarding the Library and encouraged the Board to review it.  Ann Marie also commended the Library Trustees and their staff for all their accomplishments.

Ann Marie indicated that Tim Tyler indicated to her that he would like to have a meeting regarding the Thornton Mall on January 5, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. with the Board present.  The Board respectfully declined as they felt that the vote that the Board took to close the Mall was appropriate.

There being no further business, Chair Davis declared the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Eleanor M. Dewey,

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator


Fire Commission Special Meeting 11-28-2011

Campton-Thornton Fire Commission Special Meeting 11-28-2011

This special meeting of the Campton-Thornton Fire Commissioners was for the purpose of finalizing the budget for presentation to the Campton BOS on Dec. 5 Selectmen’s meeting.

Meeting called to order by Chairman Jim Demeritt at 1600 hrs. Present were Commissioners Demeritt, and Lou Klotz, Dick Giehl, Niles Downing, and Kelly Bolger.    Also, Chief Tobine and Deputy Ch. Ian Halm.

Chief Tobine advised  that the price of gas has been locked in at $3.13 at the state sheds.

Budget discussion ensued and numbers were plugged in to the budget. The members agreed to attend the Thornton budget meeting in Dec. 14 at 1900 hrs.  at their request.

Kelly  reported on his inquiry for a cost estimate for the proposed  fire department  renovations  for the Campton Station 1. Bldg materials- $6150, Plumbing 2431, and electrical  $3220. This will be presented at the Campton BOS on Dec 5 2011 for their consideration.

Chief Tobine reported that Engine 3 and the Rescue have new winter tires.  Also, the Ambulance sustained minor damage  in an accident.

Ads no other business was forthcoming, a motion to adjourn was made by Lou, seconded by Dick and approved unanimous.

Adjourned at 1635 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Niles Downing

Fire Commission Meeting Minutes 11-14-11

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Campton-Thornton Fire Commission Meeting Minutes    11-14-11

The meeting was called to order by Lou Klotz for Chairman Jim Demeritt who was excused  from the meeting at 1610 hrs.

Present at the meeting;  Commissioners Lou Klotz, Dick Giehl, Kelly Bolger and Niles Downing. From the Fire Dept. : Ch. David Tobine, Deputy Ch. Ian Halm, FF Josh Fitz, Treasurer/Book keeper Becky Farnsworth.

The minutes of October 11, 2011 were read and approved unanimously.

Old Business:  Chief Tobine advised that the Selectboards from Thornton and Campton  visited the stations for an equipment inspection.   At that time, Chief Tobine advised the Thornton board that the Thornton station is required to have a containment tank to capture water and contaminants from the bay area  per State law.  Also, it was evident that the bay floor was failing under the weight of the apparatus. The equipment portion of the inspection went well.

Chief Tobine reported that the work on the frames of Engines 2 and 4 was completed.

Chief Tobine reported that he was notified that the Selectboards would not review the Wage and Job Description study until the Commissioners had a chance to review it.

New Business:  There was some discussion on mis-communication between the Commission and the Selectboards. It is the Commissions position that requests  for the Chief to attend meetings or other demands on his time outside of his normal duties  should follow  the established Chain of Command .   This would involve notifying the Commission when  there is a need for an unscheduled meeting requiring the Chiefs attendance  during his off-time. A motion was made by Dick and seconded by Lou that Kelly would draft a letter to the three Selectboards. Passed unanimously

The Commission  voted to hold an extra session on November 28, 2011 at 1600 hrs. to finalize the budget in preparation for the Dec. 14, 2011 budget meeting in Thornton and the December 5,2011 Campton Selectmen’s meeting.  The motion was made by Dick, seconded by Kelly. Approved unanimously.

Chief Tobine has initially figured the payroll budget by using the wage study minimum levels plus one step.

Budget discussion: The Secretary position has been moved from the Support Staff line (4220.05) to Payroll-Full Time in line 4220.00.  The remainder of the Support Staff line is for the Treasurer/Book keeper.

Regarding the Wage and Job Description study, Dick made a motion to accept it, seconded by Kelly and approved unanimously.


Campton Thornton Fire Commission  meeting Nov. 14, 2011                                   Page 2 of 2


Chief Tobine reiterated the need to be setting aside money which he feels should come from the Ambulance generated income to have the least impact on the budget  towards the purchase of the replacement ambulance in the future.  There is also concern that there is no money available in the budget for the replacement of a defibrillator should one fail catastrophically. They are running around $27,000 now and the ambulance is required to carry one.  The Commission is aware of the Selectboards position on setting aside a portion of the Ambulance income. It presently all goes in to the general account.

Chief Tobine requests that funds from the Equipment and rescue Supplies line be used to purchase tires for the front of the Rescue vehicle and winter tires for Engine 3. The cost is estimated to be $3600.00.

A motion was made and seconded and passed unanimously to get the tires.

A motion was made by Dick, seconded by Lou to adjourn at 1745 hrs. Approved unanimously.

Respectfully submitted

Niles Downing