BOS Meeting Minutes 01.09.2012


The Board of Selectmen met for their weekly meeting at 6:30 p. m. at the Campton Town Office.  Present were, Selectmen, Charles Cheney, Charles Wheeler, Sharon Davis, Craig Keeney, and Marsh Morgan.  The Board signed the manifest and reviewed the bills.  They signed 1 Notice of Intent to Cut, 1 Tax Abatement, 1 Veteran’s Exemption, 1 Requisition Request and Certificate of Acceptance, 2 Timber Tax Warrants, 1 Equalization Municipal Assessment Data Sheet, 1 appointment of part time Police Officer, 1 2012 Contract for Cyclical Revaluation Services and 1Tax Agreement.


Members of the public who were present at the meeting, but not on the agenda were Sandy Morgan, Lloyd Willey, Kelly Bolger and Corey Smith.  Jules Doner arrived later after the meeting began.


At 6:45 p.m. Chair Davis called the meeting to order.  While waiting for other members to arrive, (who were scheduled on the agenda) Chair Davis called on Ann Marie to review correspondence.  Ann Marie indicated that Laura Spector-Morgan has been in contact with Matthew Mavrogeorge, Assistant Attorney General regarding the Board’s concerns with the Beebe River Village District issues.


Ann Marie also distributed to the Board the Notice of Supreme Court Decision regarding the Right to Know Law (RSA 91A).  There was some discussion as to the financial burden this will place on the Town relating to possible additional legal fees.


An inspection report was received from The Scott Lawson Group, Ltd. regarding the cleanup completion of 37 Front Street in Beebe River Village District.   Ann Marie spoke with Dennis Prescott who is now ready to move forward with the purchasing of the property.  This information was confirmed by Selectman Keeney as Mr. Prescott relayed to him that he was just waiting for the inspection report to be completed.  However, Selectman Keeney indicated some concerns which were brought to his attention by Dennis Prescott regarding other property in the District that needs cleanup attention.  Selectman Keeney stated that he told Mr. Prescott that he would present the issue to the Board.


Ann Marie indicated that the NH Department of Environmental Services has sent a copy of their letter to Mr. Kevin Rogers indicating that a Land Resources Complaint has been filed and his need to respond within 20 days from the date of the letter (January 4, 2012).


Chair Davis then called on John Whitney, Commissioner of the Campton Village Precinct (CVP) who stated he would be glad to go forward with the scheduled appointment on behalf of all the Campton Village Precinct Commissioners since the additional Commissioners had not arrived and the Board had an extensive agenda.  Chair Davis explained that the Board received the CVP’s letter, which suggested that the Town take over street lighting.  Chair Davis stated (through Ann Marie’s research) that it was established in 1890 that the purpose of the District was to provide lighting.  Mr. Whitney explained that CVP’s intent was to alert the Board of the CVP’s plan to bring certain issues to Town voters’ attention at the Annual Town Meeting.  These issues are as follows:  Necessary Street lighting issues (mentioned in the letter); how to best create fairness in regard to Precinct taxation; fire hydrant rental charges to the Town; and expanding the Precinct.  Mr. Whitney suggested that the Fire Department and the Police Department be contacted to address specific street lighting mentioned in the CVP’s letter to determine which lighting is essential for safety.  It was agreed that Public Safety should review this issue.


At 7:15 p.m. the Library Trustees were called on to discuss their proposed 2012 Budget.  Present were:  Shelley Thompson, Priscilla Whitney, Tara McKenzie and Michelle Betts.  Michelle Betts presented the Budget to the Board.  After discussion, it was suggested by the Board that the Library Trustees revisit the proposed Budget concentrating on certain areas such as Books/Periodical/DVDs, Special Programs and Accountant fee to see if these items could be reduced.    The Board agreed to have the Library Trustees resubmit their proposed Budget focusing on reduction and to provide the Board with their actual expenses incurred for the year 2011.


At 7:30 p.m. the Conservation Commission presented their proposed 2012 Budget. Those present were:  Jane Kellogg, and Lea Stewart.  With only one $10.00 increase in dues, the Board was pleased with the total Budget of $1,085.00.


Ann Marie presented the Planning Board proposed 2012 Budget and it was reduced by approximately $1,100.00.  Selectman Morgan explained that Planning Board activity has been slow, but all items on the Budget would be affected if activity picks up.  Ann Marie presented the Zoning Board proposed 2012 Budget and expenses had decreased approximately $175.00 from last year; however, the Proposed Budget was presented at $1,500.00 reflecting that the proposed Budget was kept flat.


Ann Marie then presented the proposed Cemetery 2012 Budget.  The Budget reflected a slight raise in labor; however this was not a reflection of a COLA for employees, it was due to additional necessary work projects anticipated.


Chair Davis then called for a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non Public Minutes of December 19, 2011.  Selectman Morgan made a Motion to approve the Minutes and Non

Public Minutes as presented.  Selectman Wheeler seconded the Motion and both sets of Minutes were approved as written.


At 7:45 p.m. Chair Davis then called on Lewis Matson, property owner of the proposed boundary line change in Waterville Estates, which is now scheduled for hearing on January 26, 2012, at 6:30 p.m., at the Waterville Estates Community Center.  (This issue was previously discussed at the Selectmen’s Meeting on December 19th). Chair Davis explained to Mr. Matson that the Board cannot make any decisions at this meeting, but will listen to what he has to say.  Mr. Matson and his wife Christine were present this evening and Mr. Matson explained that he wanted the Board to know their side to the issues.  Mr. Matson explained that the properties in question are both located in the Town of Thornton and not in the Town of Campton.  He expressed that they do not want to be a part of the Waterville Estates District (WED) and they will not benefit from road maintenance, or water benefits.  Mr. Matson also stated that he interrupted the law to state that a District cannot expand the District boundaries solely for the purpose of increasing tax revenue.  He explained that Waterville Estates Association now has a lawsuit filed against them and they have expended their retirement savings on trying to resolve the issues in order to build their home. Mr. Matson presented a map (prepared by John March), of the properties in question. At this point, there was an issue raised by Selectman Morgan concerning the driveway approved by the Thornton Planning Board and the fact that they approved a lot that is land locked. Mr. Matson also expressed that he felt taxpayers should be notified of this hearing throughout the Town and not just limited to Waterville Estates property owners.  Ann Marie explained that the Town followed instructions set by the Town Attorney for proper notification.  Mr. Matson also mentioned that he felt the meeting itself is scheduled to be held in Waterville Estates and he didn’t feel this was neutral territory.  Ann Marie further explained that both the Towns of Campton and Thornton do not have sufficient meeting room to accommodate the public for this anticipated size meeting.  Ann Marie further explained that other budget meetings are scheduled right after this meeting which also requires the necessity of a large facility.  It was explained again that both Boards have to be present to hear the issues and a decision cannot be made this evening.  Also, questions arose from this meeting that might need to be presented to Town Attorney.


Chair Davis then called on Ann Marie to continue with correspondence since the Board’s Non Public Session tax matter scheduled for this evening did not go forward because the property owner was not present.


Ann Marie indicated that Laura Spector-Morgan stated that the Electrical Transmission Line Ordinance presented to the Board is not a valid ordinance, but if a Petition is presented, the Board has to put it on the warrant.  It was suggested that this be handled with a consensus vote.  Ann Marie will discuss further with Tom Mullen.


Ann Marie indicated that an e-mail was received from Juliet Harvey-Bolia regarding the Town submitting a $1.00 per cable subscriber, yearly fee to the Town of Plymouth, NH to offset the costs of broadcasting municipal meetings such as Governor’s Council, Grafton County Commissioners and the Pemi-Baker Regional H.S. The subscriber fee will also allow the Town to submit one municipal meeting a week to Channel 3 (among a few other benefits mentioned in the e-mail).  The Board agreed not to contribute at this time.


Ann Marie indicated that LGC had gotten back to her regarding the cost of the Pay & Classification Study and the charge will be based on the number of job descriptions involved not the number of employees.  The fee will be $3,825.00 based on 17 job descriptions and there were no reductions for eliminating the benefit review.  The Board agreed to go forward with the Pay & Classification Study.


Ann Marie indicated that the U.S. Postal Service will increase their rates effective January 22, 2012.


A letter was received from NH DOT, Nancy Mayville regarding the fact that the Preliminary Plans for the Blair Bridge Project have been approved; however, the project is currently estimated to cost more than the available national Historic Covered Bridge Program funds.  Chair Davis indicated that a meeting with NH DOT, Matt Moore and Sean James has been scheduled for Thursday, January 12, 2012, and she will attend this meeting.  An e-mail from Paul Yelle of the Campton Historical Society (CHS) was received addressed to Sean James expressing their interest in the Blair Bridge Project.


There being no further correspondence, Chair Davis continued the meeting with Other Business – Selectmen’s Input.  Chair Davis indicated that the Building Committee will be meeting this Wednesday and she has also provided handouts (containing pertinent information concerning the Town Office Building project).  The public may attain this information at the Selectmen’s Office and the Building Committee Meeting Minutes are on the Town website.  The Building Committee’s intent is to propose to the voters at the 2012 Town Meeting, in March, the Town Office Building project.  The Building Committee meets on a regular basis and the public is invited.  Kelly Bolger is the Building Committee Chairman and can be reached by Cell Phone at #941-809-3192.


After discussion by Selectman Wheeler concerning employees’ questions regarding performance evaluations, it was agreed by the Board that all questions should be referred to the Human Resources Committee (Selectman Craig Keeney and Selectman Charles Wheeler).


Ann Marie proudly announced that the Campton Cupboard Pantry Christmas Tree entry at the Festival of Trees sponsored by the Common Man Inn has won second prize in the contest


Ann Marie also indicated that she wished to speak to the Board this evening about her staff, and that Ellie has asked to be excused from this part of the meeting.  Ellie was excused at 8:25 p.m. and the meeting continued in regular session.


Respectfully submitted,




Eleanor M. Dewey

Office Assistant to Ann Marie Foote, Town Administrator





PB Meeting Minutes for 09.13.2011


The Planning Board met this date with Stuart Pitts, Chairman, Kelly Bolger, Acting Secretary, Chris Kelly, Charles Brosseau, Tim Scanlin, Alternate and Marsh Morgan, Ex-Officio.

Stuart Pitts opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

First on the agenda, the minutes for the August 9, 2011 Planning Board Meeting.  Marsh Morgan made a motion to approve the minutes for the August 9, 2011 Planning Board meeting.  Charles Brosseau seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, the Work Session Notes for the September 6, 2011 meeting. Marsh Morgan made a motion to approve the Work Session Notes for the September 6, 2011 meeting.  Kelly Bolger seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, a Boundary Line Adjustment for the Campton Conservation Commission and Anita Lane, off Blair Road.  A Boundary Line Adjustment is proposed for Tax Map 15.14.16, 5.18 acres, currently owned by the Town of Campton and managed by the Campton Conservation Commission, as part of the Pattee Conservation Park.  The proposed Boundary Line Adjustment will deed 0.29 acres to the southern portion of the land currently owned by Anita L. Lane of Tax Map # 15.14.15, Blair Road.

The Lane property will increase to 0.81 acres and the Town’s property will reduce to 4.89 acres.  Jules Doner stated that the when the town property was surveyed last year, there was a stake missing, and the well was to close to the boundary to meet the mortgage requirements.  Chris Kelly pointed out that the back lot will be land locked, and that a Boundary Line Adjustment should be done at a later date.

Kelly Bolger made a motion to approve the Boundary Line Adjustment for the Campton Conservation Commission and Anita Lane off Blair Road.  Chris Kelly seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

The Planning Board signed the mylar and the maps.

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The Planning Board discussed the hammerhead off Forest Drive for the Boundary Line Adjustment plan for Michael Muto and Waterville Estates Village District, approved the December 8, 2009.

The Planning Boa rd went over the correspondence and mail.

The Planning Board adjourned at 7 PM.

Respectfully submitted,



May Brosseau

Campton Planning Board








PB Meeting Minutes 10.11.11



The Planning Board met this date with Stuart Pitts, Chairman, Greg Jencks, Secretary, Chris Kelly, Tim Scanlin, Alternate and Marsh Morgan, Ex-Officio.

Stuart Pitts opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

First on the agenda, the minutes for the September l3, 2011 Planning Board  meeting.  Marsh Morgan made a motion to approve the minutes for the September l3, 2011 meeting.  Stuart Pitts seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, the Work Session notes for the October 11, 2011 meeting.  Marsh Morgan made a motion to approved the Work Session notes for the October 11, 2011 meeting.  Chris Kelly seconded the motion. The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.

Next on the agenda, John March for Mike and Doreen Dunklee, Boundary Line Adjustment off Palmer Road.  John said that the Dunklees desire to change the lot line between their existing lots 6 and 7 on the South side of Palmer Road.  This lot line will not create any new lots.  Palmer Road is a private road.  Greg wanted to know if the cul-de-sac was noted on the plan.  John said that the road and cul-de-sac from August 1987 survey by John French, was noted on the plan.  Marsh said that this was an approved cul-de-sac and should have been completed.  Stuart said that in the future, we should check to see everything is done on the plan before a building permit is issued.  Greg made a motion to approve the Boundary Line Adjustment for Mike and Doreen Dunklee.  Chris Kelly seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.  The Planning Board signed the maps and the mylar.

Next on the agenda, the corrected, Voluntary Merger for Greg and Cindy Jencks off Bog Road.  The Planning Board signed the Voluntary Merger for Greg and Cindy Jencks.

Next on the agenda, Dennis Prescott for an inquiry on Beebe River.  Dennis is buying 37 Front Street in Beebe River.  Dennis is planning on opening an auto re-cycling center.  Marsh said that the state has regulations for an auto re-cycling center and he would need a fence.  Dennis said that this would be a green yard, and they would dismantle the cars then sell the parts.  They would buy the cars then


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drain the fluids.  The fluids would be stored in separate plastic tanks. They would burn a lot of the waste in the furnace.  The Planning Board thought it was a good project, and would like to see business in Beebe River.  Marsh told Dennis that he would have to get a Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustment, then come back to the Planning Board for a Site Plan Review.

Dennis thanked the Planning Board for the information.

Next on the agenda, correspondence and mail.

The Planning Board adjourned at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully submitted,


May Brosseau

Campton Planning Board


PB Meeting Minutes 12.13.2011



The Planning Board met this date with Stuart Pitts, Chairman, Greg Jencks,

Secretary, Charles Brosseau, Kelly Bolger, Chris Kelly, Tim Scanlin and Marsh Morgan.

Stuart Pitts opened the meeting at 6:30 PM.

First on the agenda, the Work Session Notes for December 6, 2011.  Marsh Morgan made a motion to approve the Work Session Notes for December 6, 2011.  Chris Kelly seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously.  The Planning Board did not have a meeting in November.

Next on the agenda, Meredith Miller, Boundary Line Adjustment, Beech Hill Road.

Roy Sabourn representing Meredith Miller stated that the purpose of the proposed Boundary Line Adjustment is to adjust the lines between Tax Map # 14.3.7 and #14.3.8.  Tax Lot # 14.3.8 will be reduced from 7.84 acres to 7.8l acres, and Tax Lot # 14.3.7 will be increased from 6.3l acres to 6.34 acres.  No new lots will be created.

Roy said that he has the septic plan ready to go to the State of NH, but he was waiting for the approval of the Boundary Line Adjustment.  The Planning Board did not see any problems with the Boundary Line Adjustment.  Kelly Bolger made a motion to approve the Boundary Line Adjustment for Meredith Miller.  Charles Brosseau seconded the motion.  The Planning Board voted in the affirmative, unanimously. The Planning Board signed the mylar and the maps

Next on the agenda, the Planning Board went over the amendment to the zoning, which is proposed by the Planning Board, and reviewed by the Town Attorney.

This amendment to Article IV, Section 7, would add the language as follows: (New language has been underlined.)

The renting of up to four rooms to no more than ten people and furnishing of meals to the residents in whole or in part shall be permitted only in an approved Bed and Breakfast.  More than four rooms may be rented by Special Exception.  A Bed and Breakfast may rent more than four rooms only upon receipt of a Special Exception.


Next on the agenda, the Planning Board went over the Budget for 2012.



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The Planning Board went over correspondence and mail.


The Planning Board adjourned at 8:l5 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

May Brosseau

Campton Planning Board
